Jesse Savage is an independent metal artist blacksmith located in the heart of Central Vermont. He uses hammer and anvil to traditionally forge his iron work the old fashion way. Jesse primarily focuses on hand forging Vermont made axes, hatchets, and fireplace tools. Being very passionate about Vermont's history, traditions and the land, Jesse uses this inspiration as he works in his Rutland Blacksmith Shop. His work can be found in Vermont Forgings' gallery, Hand Made in Vermont's Gallery in Wallingford, & many other local shops. Jesse is an instructor at Center for Metal Arts in Johnstown, PA.
"I love iron. It is the stuff of which the frame of the Earth is made. And you can make it say anything you will. It eloquently responds to the hand, at the bidding of the imagination. When I go to sleep at night, I can hardly sleep because my mind is aswarm with visions of all…I want to do. I verily believe I shall take my hammer with me when I go to the gate of heaven. If I am denied admission, I shall fashion my own key."
~ Samuel Yellin
"I love iron. It is the stuff of which the frame of the Earth is made. And you can make it say anything you will. It eloquently responds to the hand, at the bidding of the imagination. When I go to sleep at night, I can hardly sleep because my mind is aswarm with visions of all…I want to do. I verily believe I shall take my hammer with me when I go to the gate of heaven. If I am denied admission, I shall fashion my own key."
~ Samuel Yellin

The Blacksmith's Pub podcast: Conversations and interviews about blacksmithing topics, methods & techniques with Rick Barter, Jesse Savage & special guests..